XMos really Effective and Efficient I was taken few minutes after spraying XMos (4 sprays) at each corner of my wet kitchen. Very effective and efficient. Highly recommended.
XMos Effective and Efficient
Yap Kwong Chin
XMOS是我用过那么多灭蚊产品当中,是效果最棒的“灭蚊神器”。XMOS除了可以在短时间内消灭蚊子,同时极具安全性,也没有难闻的气味,让我非常安心的使用。 我家里有小宝宝,宝宝临睡前只要喷一喷XMOS,宝宝就能高枕无忧,不必怕蚊子半夜“袭击”。而我本身蛮惹蚊子,有了XMOS后,我也没有这些烦恼了。所以我坚持只用XMOS灭蚊喷雾剂,至今已经用了2年,我会一直回购,并介绍给身边的亲友。
灭蚊神器 —— XMOS
翁懿娴 (Shyan), 槟城Penang
幼儿园一直以来都面对蚊子这个很是头痛的问题!虽然,之前都在用着电源熏蒸器, 不过园方还是会收到家长来电投诉:“老师,幼儿园有蚊子!” 孩子又被蚊子叮了。 当我知道蚊子博士出产了XMos灭蚊剂,我马上二话不说就订了一盒,还指派细心的老师,每天喷雾两次。从此以后孩子免受蚊子叮咬,家长投诉也少了!我非常信任和依赖XMos,去哪儿都会随身带着,也不再担心听到讨人厌的蚊子的嗡嗡声了。
XMOs merupakan satu produk yang sangat bagus, bagus dan bagus. Walaupun "kecil tapi amat hebat kuasanya" Sekali semburannya, bertaburan nyamuk jatuh ke lantai dan segera mati. Sukar untuk percaya perkara ini, amat ajaib formulasi yang ada di dalam produk XMOs ini. Belilah dan gunalah tanpa ragu-ragu. XMos Terbaik
Prof.Madya Ts.Dr.Mustafa bin Man
Upon using several mosquito repellent, I came across Dr.Mos and it’s been an effective journey using the product that has tremendously reduced the mosquitos within my residential area. The effectiveness is based on the instructions and the method of spraying in the environment across the hours.
5 Stars for DrMos !
Praveen Anthony
I’m the Director of a preschool and daycare centre in Sungai Petani, Kedah. We foster a love of nature and children engaging indoor and outdoor play. But sometimes outdoor and indoor activities involves mosquitoes! So a few months ago, I found X’Mos. X’Mos allows our children to play bite-free anywhere in our indoor and outdoor environment. For children who have in the past experienced allergic reactions to mosquito bites, it has been a lifesaver. It works so powerfully, smells so fresh, and I would like to thank you for such an impressive product; and I am so glad to found XMos.
I am so glad to found XMos
Lily Saw
X’Mos is extremely portable. It is much better than the conventional mosquito sprays because I do not have to fumigate the entire space. Instead, I just need to spray it on a few spots, and it keeps the mosquitoes away for a few hours. It is very potent, and I highly recommend it.
5 Stars for DrMos !
Dato Beh Huck Lee, Kedah
I'm doubt when my 1st trial to use XMos in my house. But, unbelievable XMos killed all the mosquitos in every corner in my house, and noticed some others tiny creatures bodies that i don't know...
Unbelievable, It's work!
Ms Tan